[−][src]Trait embedded_time::fixed_point::FixedPoint
Fixed-point value type
QX.32 where X: bit-width of T
Associated Types
type T: TimeInt
The integer (magnitude) type
Associated Constants
const SCALING_FACTOR: Fraction
The fractional scaling factor
Required methods
fn integer(&self) -> &Self::T
Returns the integer part of the FixedPoint
assert_eq!(Hertz(45_u32).integer(), &45_u32);
Provided methods
fn checked_mul(&self, rhs: &Self::T) -> Option<Self>
Multiply with overflow checking
fn checked_div(&self, rhs: &Self::T) -> Option<Self>
Multiply with overflow checking
fn min_value() -> Self::T
Returns the minimum integer value
fn max_value() -> Self::T
Returns the maximum integer value