STM32 Blue Pill — Unit Testing with Qemu Blue Pill Emulator

The year is 2029. Humans are populating the Moon, starting at Moon Base One. Two Moon Base Operators observe something highly unusual in the crop garden of beautiful red tomatoes…

Operator 1: WHAT’S WITH THE SPRINKLERS !!! They were working fine a moment ago… if the sprinklers keep spraying like this, our tomato crop will be ruined!

Operator 2: You know there’s something strange going on… I can feel it… Some alien presence controlling our sprinklers…

Operator 1: Our IoT Dashboards have gone nuts! Why are we getting negative values for some Humidity Sensors? Wait… did you roll out firmware updates for our STM32-BLUER-PILL Monitoring Devices?

Operator 2: We replaced a thousand BLUER-PILL devices by STM32-BLUEST-PILL just now. We flashed the old BLUER-PILL firmware onto the new BLUEST-PILL devices. I’m 100% certain it works!

Operator 1: I don’t see any records of Unit Testing… Didn’t you run the Embedded Unit Tests after flashing?

Operator 2: Uh what’s Embedded Unit Testing? They never taught that in school… oh wait I remember now… BLUEST-PILL comes with a new BME281 Humidity Sensor that works a little differently from the old BME280 sensor… Yep our firmware is bad…

Operator 1: NOOOOOOO! Our tomatoes are turning to MUSH !!!

Computing sensor values in IoT devices can be prone to bugs… And Unit Testing can help to stop the bugs before they pollute the entire IoT chain. Check out this complicated computation

BME280 Humidity Sensor Computation. From

This is the actual function used to compute the ambient humidity for the BME280 Humidity Sensor (just like the story). It’s hard to figure out whether this function computes the humidity correctly given the sensor’s register values (m_dig[]).

With Unit Testing we can plug in specific input values and verify that the output value is correct. When we repeat this verification for many sets of input and output values (called Test Cases), we will be more confident that the function is correct. Say farewell to Mushy Moon Tomatoes as we learn…

  1. What’s a Test Case and Test Suite
  2. Qemu, the Blue Pill Emulator
  3. How I used Qemu for Automated Unit Testing
  4. Side Effects in Unit Testing
  5. Floating-point precision in Unit Testing and Test Coverage

What’s A Test Case?

We’ll use the Unity Unit Test Library (not the game toolkit). Here’s a simple Test Case that divides two numbers and verifies the result…

x = 2205.1969;  
y = 270.8886;
r = x / y;
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE( 8.140604292687105, r );

TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE() is a macro from the Unity library that compares the Expected Result 8.14… with the Actual Result r. If the Expected and Actual Results (of type double) are not the same, the Unity library flags the Test Case as FAILED. So that we can troubleshoot and fix the problem.

We have just seen a trivial Test Case. Usually we’ll be verifying the output of a function given some inputs like this…

x = 2205.1969;  
y = 270.8886;
r = __wrap___aeabi_ddiv(x, y);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE( 8.140604292687105 , r );

Here we are testing a function __wrap___aeabi_ddiv(). We don’t really know what the function does, but we expect it to behave like the division of two doubles. So we can call Unity to verify the same Expected and Actual Results.

Besides comparing doubles, Unity supports other types as well, like…

TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(    a,        2 );
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( greeting, "Attention, Dr. Surly" );

What’s A Test Suite?

The more Test Cases we write, the more confident we’ll be that the tested function works correctly. When we group the related Test Cases into a function, we get a Test Suite like this…

To run the Test Suites, we call their functions like this

int test_nanofloat(void) {
// Run unit tests.

Calling test_nanofloat() will execute all the Test Suites for our nano-float library. Where do we call test_nanofloat()?

#include <logger.h>
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
extern int test_nanofloat(void);
int main(void)
enable_log(); // Enable logging via Arm Semihosting.
// Note: ST Link must be connected.
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
debug_force_flush(); // Flush the debug buffer before we halt.
for (;;) {} // Loop forever.
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include "../lib/nano-float/test/test.c"

I prefer to call test_nanofloat() from the main() function, surrounded by #ifdef UNIT_TEST. So the unit test code will not be compiled into the embedded program unless we define UNIT_TEST.

UNIT_TEST is defined as a compiler option in platformio.ini

build_flags =
; Enable unit test. Comment this line to disable unit test.

-D UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR=unity_output_char

And that’s how the main() function executes all our Test Cases. We’ll cover the UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION and UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION options in a while.

When we run the complete Unit Test it looks like this… (Click “CC” to view the annotations)

[Watch video on YouTube]

Running Blue Pill Unit Tests. Click “CC” to view the annotations.

If any of the Test Cases failed, you’ll see a FAILED message. Control-click the failed Test Case to jump to the line that failed… (Click “CC” to view the annotations)

[Watch video on YouTube]

Failed Blue Pill Unit Test. Click “CC” to view the annotations.

Automated Unit Tests

The code above includes over 200 Test Cases. Which is typical for Unit Testing because we try to be thorough in our testing with all kinds of inputs. But running a few hundred Test Cases on a real microcontroller (like Blue Pill) may slow down our embedded development.

What if we could have a “Virtual” Blue Pill that’s emulated on Windows or macOS? A Windows or macOS program that pretends to be a real Blue Pill, runs the same programs as a real Blue Pill, even pretends to have the same LED, Timers, GPIO, … like a real Blue Pill?

Because it emulates a Blue Pill, we could use it to run Unit Tests again and again. We could run the Unit Tests automatically whenever we update our Blue Pill program… That would be really helpful right?

Fortunately the “Virtual” Blue Pill actually exists: It’s called the Qemu Blue Pill Emulator. That’s what we saw in the videos above. There was no physical Blue Pill connected in the demos that we saw. The installation requires a few steps so let’s walk through the steps…

Install Qemu Blue Pill Emulator

For Windows:

1️⃣ Install Windows Subsystem for Linux. Choose Ubuntu.

2️⃣ Click Start → Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

3️⃣ At the bash command prompt, enter these commands…

cd /mnt/cgit clone qemu_stm32sudo apt install libglib2.0-devgit submodule update --init pixmangit submodule update --init dtc./configure --enable-debug --target-list="arm-softmmu"make

This installs Qemu into the folder C:\qemu_stm32

For macOS:

1️⃣ Install MacPorts

2️⃣ Open a command prompt and enter these commands…

cd ~git clone qemu_stm32sudo port install glib2-develgit submodule update --init pixmangit submodule update --init dtc./configure --enable-debug \
--target-list=”arm-softmmu” \
--python=python2 \

For the configure step we assume Python version 2 is installed as python2

This installs Qemu into the folder qemu_stm32 located at your Home folder.

Run Unit Tests With Qemu Emulator

The easiest way to compile a Blue Pill program and start it with the Qemu Blue Pill Emulator is to use Visual Studio Code with the PlatformIO Extension. We’ll now download the Test Cases shown in the demo and run them with Qemu…

1️⃣ For Windows only: Click Start → Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. Enter…

cd /mnt/c
git clone

2️⃣ For macOS only: Open a macOS command prompt. Enter…

cd ~
git clone

3️⃣ Install Visual Studio Code for Windows or macOS from

4️⃣ Launch Visual Studio Code.
Install the PlatformIO Extension.
Check this video for the PlatformIO installation. Click “CC” to view the instructions.

5️⃣ Click File → Open
Browse to the C:\ folder (for Windows) or the Home folder (for macOS)
Select the folderstm32bluepill-unittest

6️⃣ Click the “PlaformIO Build” command (the ☑️ button at the lower left)

Command buttons in the status bar

7️⃣ Click Tasks → Run Task → 🔗 Emulate STM32 Blue Pill

This starts the Qemu emulator and executes the Blue Pill program, which contains our Test Cases. We should see a log like this to indicate that the Qemu Blue Pill Emulator has executed all the Test Cases successfully…

> Executing task: bash -c '../qemu_stm32/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm
-M stm32-f103c8 -semihosting
-kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin' <
45 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored
All functions called
Usage: 01 > 04 / 02 > 04 / 03 > 04 / 04 > 04 ...

How Does Qemu Emulator Work?

How did the Qemu Emulator get started in Visual Studio Code? We clicked the 🔗 Emulate STM32 Blue Pill Task, which is defined in the configuration file .vscode/tasks.json

"label": "🔗 Emulate STM32 Blue Pill",
"type": "shell",
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"windows": {
"command": "bash",
"args": [
"../qemu_stm32/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M stm32-f103c8 -semihosting -kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin"
"osx": {
"command": "../qemu_stm32/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M stm32-f103c8 -semihosting -kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin"

From the Task definition, we see that the command line for starting Qemu looks like this…

../qemu_stm32/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm \
-M stm32-f103c8 \
-semihosting \
-kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin

1️⃣ qemu-system-arm: This is the Windows or macOS executable that emulates the Blue Pill. It’s a highly complex Windows or macOS program that can execute Blue Pill machine code (Arm Cortex-M3), read and write to simulated RAM and ROM, and access Blue Pill peripherals (like the Blue Pill onboard LED) simulated in software.

2️⃣ -M stm32-f103c8: Emulate the Blue Pill microcontroller (STM32F103C8)

3️⃣ -semihosting: The Logging library in our program uses Arm Semihosting to display console messages. This option enables the display of Arm Semihosting messages.

4️⃣ -kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin: Specifies the Blue Pill ROM image that will be “flashed” into the emulated Blue Pill ROM for execution. The firmware.bin file contains the executable code and data of our Blue Pill program, produced by the gcc compiler during the PlatformIO Build step.

Qemu Blue Pill Emulator is still under development but it’s already great for running computation-based Unit Tests. What about other types of Unit Tests with sensors and actuators?

Beware Of Side Effects

When a Blue Pill program accesses some sensor or actuator, we say that the program causes a Side Effect. Programs with Side Effects are harder to test because we need to reset the sensor and actuator back to their original states before starting the test.

Just imagine how we would test a program that uses a real BME280 Humidity Sensor… Before every test we would have to reset the Humidity Sensor to a fixed value, because it affects the outcome of the test. Automating a test that causes Side Effects is no longer possible if somebody needs to tweak the sensor or actuator by hand.

Qemu Blue Pill Emulator may not be 100% accurate when emulating Timers, GPIOs, UART, I2C, SPI, … So beware if we’re using these in our Unit Test. If our Unit Test is simply based on some computation without Side Effects, it should run fine on the Qemu Emulator.

nano-float unit tests automatically extracted from the nano-float source code. From

How I used Qemu Emulator for Unit Testing

The Test Cases we have seen in the demo above are the real-life Test Cases I used for testing nano-float, a floating-point math library that’s optimised for Blue Pill, taking up only a tiny fraction of the ROM space compared with the standard math library. I wrote about nano-float in my previous article.

With over 200 Test Cases, writing the Unit Test code by hand will be tedious and hard to maintain. That’s why I created a Google Sheets spreadsheet that generates the Unit Test code…

The spreadsheet automatically extracts the Test Cases that I have embedded inside the nano-float library source code like this…

nano-float library source code and the unit test cases below. From

The spreadsheet parses the Test Cases and generates Test Suites in this familiar format…

build_flags =
; Enable unit test. Comment this line to disable unit test.

-D UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR=unity_output_char

Floating Point Precision

The above gcc compiler options were configured in platformio.ini. Note that we defined UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION and UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION as 0.000001. How do they affect the Unit Testing? If you remember this test case…

x = 2205.1969;  
y = 270.8886;
r = __wrap___aeabi_ddiv(x, y);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE( 8.140604292687105 , r );

It divides two doubles and compares the result of the division to 8.140604292687105. But in reality, there will be some loss of precision when we store a floating-point number as float or double.

As we have seen in our previous article, floats can store up to 6 significant decimal digits and doubles can store up to 15 significant decimal digits. So the result of our division may actually be 8.14060 if we store the result as a float.

That’s why we have defined UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION and UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION as 0.000001… It means that we are only interested in comparing the first 6 decimal places for floats and doubles. Any discrepancy beyond the 6th decimal place should be ignored.

Why have we set UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION and UNITY_DOUBLE_PRECISION to the same precision? The nano-float library downscales the precision of all math computations from double to single. This was done to reduce the math library code size to fit on Blue Pill. So for this specific library it makes sense to set both precisions to be the same. For other libraries, probably not.

Test Coverage

At the end of the Unit Testing, we saw the message All Functions Called followed by a list of numbers…

> Executing task: bash -c '../qemu_stm32/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm
-M stm32-f103c8 -semihosting
-kernel .pioenvs/bluepill_f103c8/firmware.bin' <
45 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored
All functions called
Usage: 01 > 04 / 02 > 04 / 03 > 04 / 04 > 04 ...


When we run Unit Tests, we should ensure that all the functions that we’re testing (aeabi_ddiv, aeabi_dmul) are actually called. It’s possible that we may have omitted some compiler option (like wrap) or preprocessor symbols (like UNIT_TEST) that could cause the functions being tested to be called incorrectly.

In Unit Testing, the Test Coverage info tells us the functions that have been called when we run Unit Tests. For our simplified Test Coverage, we used an array of counters to track the functions called

//  We count the number of times each function was called. 
// So we can check whether our unit tests cover all functions.
enum float_usage_index {
static uint8_t float_usage[LAST_FLOAT_USAGE_INDEX];

double __wrap___aeabi_ddiv(double n, double d) {
return qfp_fdiv_fast(n, d);

float_usage_index is an array of counters that count how many times each function was called. When our Unit Test code shows the message…

All functions called

…It means that the code has verified that every counter in the float_usage_index array was one (or greater). So all our functions have indeed been called and we have 100% Test Coverage. Below that we see…

Usage: 01 > 04 / 02 > 04 / 03 > 04 / 04 > 04 ...

This is a diagnostic message for Test Coverage that says…

Function 01 (aeabi_ddiv): Called 04 times
Function 02 (aeabi_dmul): Called 04 times
Function 03 (aeabi_dadd): Called 04 times
Function 04 (aeabi_dsub): Called 04 times

And that’s all you need to get your Unit Tests running on Blue Pill. Build your Unit Tests early, and run them often!

The Big Picture

This is the third article in a series of articles that explain how I ported and optimised the MakeCode visual programming tool for Blue Pill…

1️⃣ The first article explains RAM and ROM memory optimisation…

2️⃣ The second article explains floating-point math optimisation…

In the next article we’ll finally integrate all the tools and techniques from the three articles and learn about the MakeCode Bootloader, an incredibly complex Blue Pill program that does so much and still fits in 64 KB ROM!