STM32 Blue Pill with Quectel BC95-G NB-IoT module running Apache Mynewt at Henderson Waves

Install Apache Mynewt for STM32 Blue Pill on Windows

Follow these instructions to install Mynewt build and application files on Windows for the article...

1️⃣ Download the .7z file attached below…

Expand the .7z file with 7zip…

2️⃣ Install Arm Cross-Compiler and Linker for Windows from Arm Developer Website…,32-bit,,Windows,8-2019-q3-update

Select this option at the last install step:
"Add path to environment variable"

3️⃣ Download the ST-Link USB driver from ST-Link Driver Website (email registration required)…

Click Get Software
Unzip the downloaded file. Double-click the driver installer:

4️⃣ Install Windows Studio Code:

Launch Visual Studio Code

Install the extension “Cortex-Debug”…

5️⃣ Click File → Open Folder
Select the downloaded folder stm32bluepill-mynewt-sensor
When prompted to open the workspace, click Open Workspace

Open the following file and configure the program settings:

Change the NB-IoT band setting NBIOT_BAND. Check with your NB-IoT operator for the band to use. The other settings are documented below.

6️⃣ Connect Blue Pill to ST-Link. Connect ST-Link to your computer’s USB port.

Click Terminal → Run Task → [1] Build bluepill_boot
This builds the Mynewt Bootloader. In case of problems, compare with this build log.

Click Terminal → Run Task → [2] Build bluepill_my_sensor
This builds the Mynewt Application. Compare with this build log.

Click Terminal → Run Task → [3] Image bluepill_my_sensor
This creates the Blue Pill flash image. Compare with this image log.

Click Terminal → Run Task → [4] Load bluepill_boot
This flashes the Mynewt Bootloader to Blue Pill. Compare with this flash log.

Click Terminal → Run Task → [5] Load bluepill_my_sensor
This flashes the Mynewt Application to Blue Pill. Compare with this flash log.

If any source files or configuration files are changed, rebuild by clicking Terminal → Run Task → [2] Build bluepill_my_sensor

Program Settings

The program settings may be found in the file

COAP_HOST, COAP_PORT: The program will send CoAP messages to this IP address and port number, which defaults to the CoAP server at

Keep the default settings if you wish to view your sensor data at

Change the setting to use your own CoAP server instead of

COAP_URI: The CoAP message will be delivered to this URI at the CoAP server (which defaults to

Keep the default settings if you wish to view your sensor data at

For, the last part IVRi… is the Thing Token. If you wish to send sensor data to your own Thing at, replace the last part of the URI with your Thing Token.

For the purpose of NB-IoT Education, I’ll allow you to transmit sensor data to the Thing Token IVRi… from my personal, paid account. Which will forward the sensor data to for viewing.

NBIOT_BAND: The program connects to this NB-IoT Frequency Band. The Frequency Band depends on your country and your NB-IoT network operator. Check with your NB-IoT network operator for the Frequency Band to use.