[][src]Macro mynewt::coap

macro_rules! coap {
    (@none $($tokens:tt)+) => { ... };
    (@json $($tokens:tt)+) => { ... };
    (@cbor $($tokens:tt)+) => { ... };
    (@cbormin $($tokens:tt)+) => { ... };

Macro to compose a CoAP payload with JSON or CBOR encoding. First parameter is @none, @json, @cbor or @cbormin, to indicate no encoding (testing), JSON encoding, CBOR encoding for thethings.io or CBOR minimal key-value encoding. JSON and CBOR encoding looks like: { values: [{key:..., value:...}, ...] }. CBOR Minimal encoding looks like: { key: value, ... }. Second parameter is the JSON message to be transmitted. Adapted from the json!() macro: https://docs.serde.rs/src/serde_json/macros.rs.html