[−][src]Module mynewt::encoding::tinycbor
Contains Rust bindings for Mynewt TinyCBOR Encoding API encoding/tinycbor
CborEncoder | |
CborParser | |
CborValue | |
File | |
File_methods | |
cbor_decoder_reader | |
cbor_encoder_writer | |
cbor_iovec |
cbor_encode_byte_iovec⚠ | Appends the byte string passed as \a iov and \a iov_len to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. CBOR byte strings are arbitrary raw data. |
cbor_encode_byte_string⚠ | Appends the text string \a string of length \a length to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. CBOR requires that \a string be valid UTF-8, but TinyCBOR makes no verification of correctness. |
cbor_encode_floating_point⚠ | Appends the floating-point value of type \a fpType and pointed to by \a value to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. The value of \a fpType must be one of CborHalfFloatType, CborFloatType or CborDoubleType, otherwise the behavior of this function is undefined. |
cbor_encode_int⚠ | Appends the signed 64-bit integer \a value to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. |
cbor_encode_negative_int⚠ | Appends the negative 64-bit integer whose absolute value is \a absolute_value to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. |
cbor_encode_simple_value⚠ | Appends the CBOR Simple Type of value \a value to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. |
cbor_encode_tag⚠ | Appends the CBOR tag \a tag to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. |
cbor_encode_text_string⚠ | Appends the byte string \a string of length \a length to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. CBOR byte strings are arbitrary raw data. |
cbor_encode_uint⚠ | Appends the unsigned 64-bit integer \a value to the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. |
cbor_encoder_close_container⚠ | Closes the CBOR container (array, map or indefinite-length string) provided by \a containerEncoder and updates the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. Both parameters must be the same as were passed to cbor_encoder_create_array() or cbor_encoder_create_map() or cbor_encoder_create_indef_byte_string(). |
cbor_encoder_close_container_checked⚠ | |
cbor_encoder_create_array⚠ | Creates a CBOR array in the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder and initializes \a arrayEncoder so that items can be added to the array using the CborEncoder functions. The array must be terminated by calling either cbor_encoder_close_container() or cbor_encoder_close_container_checked() with the same \a encoder and \a arrayEncoder parameters. |
cbor_encoder_create_indef_byte_string⚠ | Creates a indefinite-length byte string in the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder and initializes \a stringEncoder so that chunks of original string can be added using the CborEncoder functions. The string must be terminated by calling cbor_encoder_close_container() with the same \a encoder and \a stringEncoder parameters. |
cbor_encoder_create_indef_text_string⚠ | Creates a indefinite-length text string in the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder and initializes \a stringEncoder so that chunks of original string can be added using the CborEncoder functions. The string must be terminated by calling cbor_encoder_close_container() with the same \a encoder and \a stringEncoder parameters. |
cbor_encoder_create_map⚠ | Creates a CBOR map in the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder and initializes \a mapEncoder so that items can be added to the map using the CborEncoder functions. The map must be terminated by calling either cbor_encoder_close_container() or cbor_encoder_close_container_checked() with the same \a encoder and \a mapEncoder parameters. |
cbor_encoder_init⚠ | Initializes a CborEncoder structure \a encoder by pointing it to buffer \a buffer of size \a size. The \a flags field is currently unused and must be zero. |
cbor_error_string⚠ | |
cbor_parser_init⚠ | |
cbor_value_advance⚠ | |
cbor_value_advance_fixed⚠ | |
cbor_value_calculate_string_length⚠ | |
cbor_value_enter_container⚠ | |
cbor_value_get_half_float⚠ | |
cbor_value_get_int64_checked⚠ | |
cbor_value_get_int_checked⚠ | |
cbor_value_leave_container⚠ | |
cbor_value_map_find_value⚠ | |
cbor_value_skip_tag⚠ | |
cbor_value_text_string_equals⚠ | |
cbor_value_to_pretty_advance⚠ |